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B12 patch and weight loss -

20-12-2016 à 15:52:41
B12 patch and weight loss
Good luck with it all Reply Mark says March 15, 2013 at 2:44 am Hi Greg, Really appreciate yr detailed reply. As Lynn has said it is a remarkable indictment of the general medical system. It comes in a small pump that releases a cherry red liquid that you rub into your skin. I asked about the difference between pernicious anemia and b-12 deficiency and he looked at me like I was dumb and said that my blood work did not show I was anemic. If you are taking sublinguals, you have to seriously increase your dose. I have read that supplementing B12 can affect the antibodies tests and you want those results to be as accurate as possible. Reply Mary says March 6, 2013 at 7:23 am Jacquie, you should watch the videos on this page. She too had suicidal thoughts from the pain being so bad. Reply Tess says November 7, 2015 at 11:50 pm Hi, I was recently diagnosed with b12 deficiency, my levels were just 71 (UK). Reply Greg says July 8, 2014 at 2:58 pm Hi Marlene, Your description certainly sounds as if you B12 deficiency, particularly when you combine your B12 levels with your symptoms. I realized that this was in part due to the antibiotics which were given to me after surgery. i figured that out after I bought the supplement. Long before anemia sets in, B12 deficiency causes several other problems, including fatigue, lethargy, weakness, memory loss and neurological and psychiatric problems. The i have been on shots for few weeks on a weekly basis then was switched to once every 2 weeks and then switched to once a month basis after a blood work revealed my levels were around 1800. However, most B12 experts still recommend injections for people with pernicious anemia and advanced B12 deficiency involving neurological symptoms. As a result of that we went to a lung specialist and the doctor diagnosed my wife with severe sinusitis which was the cause of her pneumonia problem. My 16 yr old daughter was recently tested (again, at my insistence) because she is tired all the time and her number was 290. Food Miles and Full Cycle Costs should be calculated in any food system. There are other types of B12 available that should be used instead. I definitely need to take a closer look at the role of fluoride in the mess that is Fluoroquinolone Toxicity. There ought to be a strong warning on the box about the potential for B12 deficiency and permanent nerve damage if used long term. Both vitamins are also required for correct mitochondrial functioning (which is low in MS), so you need to keep your levels high. Summer, The Japanese use 500 as their lower threshold for normal for Vit B12. The palpitations are keeping me awake so I am extra fatigued. Gerald Landry says November 14, 2016 at 5:54 am Biochemist Clinical, why are you ignoring the fact that Nitrous oxide anaesthesia can impair cellular absorption of b12. When this started for me in 2006 with the misdx of MS, and I was told there was a brain stem tumor, I was struggling with just being told those two things. For all the other things going on it was the best form over hydroxl form. Both separately seemed to not work as good as with them mixed together. In fact, they felt like they were on fire. This has got to be one of the most highly commented on pages Chris Kesser has on his blog. This is particularly relevant if you have any signs at all of deficiency, such as incontinence, memory lapses, brain fog, unsteadiness on your feet, an inability to stand on one leg with your eyes closed, shakiness or tremor in your hands, macular degeneration, etc, et. i will monitor for any changes in my teeth though and hopefully will be getting injections. One problem is that I am not familiar with those products and I have a limited budget to be trying new stuff with. This depends on why you became deficient in the first place. If you have any of the mutation SNPs, you will likely have issues with folate and Vitamin B12, maybe other methylation pathways. Unless you have a naturopath or alternative minded doctor, many are not educated about the need for B12, the ways it can be supplemented, and the needed supporting nutrients. Lately I have been taking Carleson Norwegian Cod Liver Oil. Would we really think a topical application would be sufficient to save their lives without being absolutely certain of how this worked and if it worked effectively at cellular level. It has been more than a month and I have not heard anything back even though I called a few days ago to ask the nurse to have him call me. Also, this is all new to me and a bit confusing could anyone give me advise on what questions I should ask the doctor and what would be the next step for me. Last month, I started taking ground clove capsules to settle my stomach. Reply Madge says June 30, 2014 at 8:05 pm Hi Pat, Yes it is a pretty good book, but probably her web-site has quite a bit of additional information. Remember, the shots go directly into your blood stream. I feel affirmed in my own conclusions after looking at the evidence of my own issues. I have never seen 15% at 1000 ug, data I have seen is 90% of 1 ug dose, 45% of 5 ug dose, and If you look at oral biodistribution studies, you only measture 5% of the absorbed dose go to the liver, the rest is pretty much the same % per gram. One the brew is done you can drink half of it in a day, at the end of the day refill with water and add sugar- or add fresh juice or coconut water and let brew again, because of the activity being present in the brew it will be ready in around twelve hours at around 75 degrees F. I was told that my body destroyed any B-12 orally and that my body no longer produced it. Try to eat as organic as you can, and if you have the room, grow your own veggies. Later, I started using a B12 nasal spray instead of shots. What helped was the D3 and the Magnesium. J Reply Maureen says October 17, 2016 at 6:23 pm Hi Jen. My concern going forward is the expense of the injection. How much of a dosage of B12 should I take from now on. Reply Jill says May 19, 2016 at 10:35 am Why are doctors reluctant to treat vitamin b12 deficiency. The neurologist immediately asked me to get the thyroid and b12 levels checked. Could the B12 deficiencies so common be the result of the fact that our culture does not consume a lot of quality fermented foods anmore (tho there is now renewed interest). There are two active forms in the body, methylVB12, which works in concert with folate and is very important for proper functioning neurones and for production of red blood cells. My level was 196 and I was severely ill, fatigued, depressed, shooting pains in my legs, lost a lot of weight, and had to use a walker. There are genetic conditions where people cannot make AdoCbl and need to be given it, particularly if they are not getting it in their diet. When asked about allergies, I list all fluorinated drugs. The b12 deficiency was put down to vegetarian diet. What is worse is that the level is set by the pathology levels as to what is normal ie what they normally see. Reply AnnF says August 5, 2014 at 1:44 pm Should I take my B Complex containing Folic Acid and C, with my B12, or some hours later. Reply Mary Lambert says October 8, 2016 at 7:05 pm My mom as always been b12 deficiency. I use half a tablet per day because the dose is nice and high at 8. As a result of her sinuses she got pneumonia few times in past and consequently she got scar on her lungs. Then you could have malabsorption of nutrients from your food. does anyone know if the sites closed permanently or if i can get it from another supplier. For me it has helped to feel markedly less anxious, improved mood, significant reduction in restlessness, quieter mind (not racing thoughts). Reply Greg says November 9, 2015 at 2:29 pm If you are in the UK, the main forms of B12 for injection are hydroxyB12 or cyano-B12. I started giving her the same sub-lingual for the last 2 months but she is not much better. Reply Stephen says July 25, 2016 at 10:37 pm What is used for the intracellular molecular B12 test. I have a follow up appointment to look at my symptoms with my normal gp as he wants to do more tests. We slept another night in Wawa with the same result, no burning feet. I forgot to ask what my B12 is at now. Reply Tanya says January 22, 2015 at 7:54 pm You need an Endocrinologist Reply tnt3266 says January 26, 2015 at 3:22 pm Hey Yvonne, I found this on the web today. I had to increase my intake of Potassium to about 2400 mg a day as my body was using more potassium because it was no longer starved for B12. It was at 8. I drink unfiltered apple cider vinegar diluted in water, or take the apple cider pills about once a week. Last fall I had shooting pains up my legs. If you are under the care of a doctor and are having trouble sourcing B12 injections give us a try: vitaminb12direct. Now if we look at the VB12 side of what is going on. Did another blood draw to check my new levels. You can also see what happens to it over time. Some of the other recommendations are for methylfolate (the active form of folate or folic acid), zinc, calcium, D, E, C, chromium, selenium, TMG, and the other B vitamins. If you are getting a small boost following injection that is a good sign. I was not a vegetarian, had not had stomach bypass surgery and was not old, so why. Seen the gastro today and he said my vit D levels were good despite the GP saying they were very low and I need vit D tablets for life. A larger view of your genes can be ordered from 23andme. Did you say you are also working with a practitioner. pylori, which is also known to cause VB12 deficiency. That could explain why her B12 was so low. For instance you would need to eat 4 lbs of chicken to get your daily allowance and up to 10 eggs. I immediately gave him injections every other day. You probably would be better with the product from b12oils. I have in my life been all over the board. Always wondered if my grimacing has anything to do with that. You have also mentioned that close family members have had similar problems with deficiency in VB12. Second, levels in the USA are relatively high because of B12 and folate supplementation of many foods. The cobalt chelated into VB12 is almost impossible to remove from the corrin ring in humans, which makes it very different to say the iron in heme, which is released. I did and I found out I had genetic errors that cause me to be unable to convert b12 into methyl b12. If they think she is in normal range they will not give her shots. Limited uptake of vitamin B12 orally is very well known, however, there seems to be comments suggesting that it magically gets across the intact cell membrane if you throw high enough doses at it. 1%. The problem with ultra high vitamin D can be serum calcium levels. Pour your sauce over bowl of washed and dried lettuce. Gentle braising or cooking steaks to rare or medium-rare best preserves B12 in meat. The Japanese may be resistant to neurological disease not because they eat more B12, but because the supplemented form there is methyl, unlike in the West. Supplements are generally CN-Cbl, which was an historical mistake. Reply Greg says August 3, 2013 at 12:32 am Hi Kaytee, The 1% is an upper limit on uptake, with particulates it is more like 0. Reply Leslie says June 16, 2015 at 2:28 pm MJ- I get b 12 injections every 2 weeks. My brother suggested i increase my b12 intake as the Bursa sacs are dependant on b12, and all the pains issues vanished in my hip and shoulder. Right now I am getting monthly and they will do a follow up blood test in 3 months. You will probably also find that you gradually become deficient in other B group vitamins as they are pretty much all absorbed in the same area. Technically folate and folic acid are in fact the same molecule, but the discussions on the web would not lead you to believe this. ive nearly run out as my daughter is also using it now. The other form of VB12 you use in the body is adenosylcobalamin (co-enzyme B12). Low vitamin D is also associated with poor mitochondrial function. Make sure that you get your vitamin D levels up as high as you can. I am learning a lot from you and others input. Im struggling tp go to work, concentrate, im feeling extremely tired, emotional. I have thin enamel and find that the citric acid is etching my teeth. Reply Tanja says October 17, 2014 at 9:56 am Hi Dorie, You have another option available: B12 patches, you will baypass the gut this way. Clearly the shots are not stocking up the levels of vitamin B12 in the liver or more importantly in the brain, as otherwise you would be able to go for a lot longer without shots. There is only one study that claims that high levels of both folate and B12 may increase the risk of prostate cancer. Just got more lab results back and learned my Vitamin D is 18. Also, I noticed about 15-20 years ago that the bleached flour I was buying always tasted stale. I gather by your wish to eat liver, that it is not because you are a vegan or vegetarian. Now this is marginally better than the normal intrnsic factor-mediated (IF) uptake, which is studies in humans have show can be up to 90% of 1 ug dose, and 45% of 5-10 ug dose. Even after I have been taking a multivitamin and B12 fairly religiously, my B12 level came back as 360 last month. It is a bit more complicated than this (as you will find as you read more). Note: there is nothing else wrong with my health according to the tests, just a major diet change with no V-B12. If homozygous, the ability can be dangerously low at around 20-30%. Getting an injection every month did not do the trick. I still have problems but the B12 shots helped a lot. Murphy and Minot also reported that all haematological symptoms return to normal after 10 days. 6 and my B12 is 400. I also was on folic acid many years ago but new doc says do not take. I think that I may have an inherited condition concerning how my body processes B12 that came from my father and was passed by me onto my daughter. The best source I can find seems to be cod liver oil that has not been stripped of its vitamins in the processing techniques. I have been coming here, reading all and trying everything in the world forever and I cannot help it, I am a skeptic of a sort. Do you just follow the guidance on the report or is there some other level I should use. I ate a meal before testing(spam, eggs, and bread if I recall), so IDK how accurately these results are, but the glucose checks out, so most likely no diabetes. When my B12 gets low then it comes back again. I bought my shots via rx and I am only comfortable using that grade for injectibles. Doctor does know what is wrong, worst starts a week before period fatigue blurred vision confusion then worsens right before inflammation breathing labored. IT is going to take you some time to get up over 300, so be patient. Apparently there are lots of vitamin D receptors on the gut wall, and they help with the maturation of the gut cells. I think they even advise against eating liver and other things high in B12. I have been having symptoms for years (just never knew about b12, neither did my gp). Reply Greg says September 24, 2013 at 8:56 pm Thanks CM for the information. Reply Kaytee says March 6, 2013 at 3:35 pm My last lot of injetible methyl came from Apothecure in Dallas. It is also why we are working on a transdermal oil that gets around the same amount as the shots. She took shots and now just over counter pills. I was told to make an appointment in a week to check back for results. Ped office is not concerned, said they only worry if it is low. You could use daily or even more frequent applications of the b12oil while continuing your injections. Wish I had found out sooner as I thought I was going to be like this for the rest of my life. Reply Patty says May 15, 2014 at 11:02 am There are lots of people that are probably B12 defient. You just have to look at the approach to VB12 injections, where they basically wait until the patient is deficient again before they re-inject. There is so much to read and learn on this subject. Thanks Becky Reply Greg says July 24, 2014 at 2:44 pm Hi Becky, there are a couple of points of relevance here. This whole process has taken 10 years so far. Reply C. I was tired, my hands and feet tingle, I am short of breath for no good reason, my heart sometimes races, now my bowels clear out for no reason and sometimes feel like they are full of acid and burn me. There are over 150 forms of folate in food 9. If it gets worse I am to go back to her as an emergency and she will carry out the tests again and write to my GP. Reply Summer says May 9, 2014 at 6:20 am Thanks, all, for your response. My daughter has it and it made a huge difference in her life when she started wearing her special glasses, and later, contact lenses. After my GP gave me vit B 12 injection, (he said even 490 is in the lower range) I am feeling much better. Very hard to tell without running a proper panel of material against it. I would love to know whether it will work for those of us with pernicious anemia, who cannot absorb B12 from food. If an L-methylfolate 800mcg is swallowed 30 minutes before the other two items, approaximately 90% with deficiency will have a response within 2 hours. Maybe try 2 or 3 per hour at first and see how you feel by end of day. Reply Greg says August 25, 2013 at 4:59 pm Hi Colleen, The chicken and egg story with thyroid and vitamin B12 deficiency. Vit B 12 level can not be determined here in ethiopia. Secondly, you need methylcobalamin for methyl-transfer reactions to load up S-adenosylmethione (SAM) from 5MTHF, and to cycle it back to THF (tetrahydrofolate). I just want them to aknowledge their mistake if that is the case. Reply Frank says November 11, 2014 at 8:51 am Please help. Reply Tracy says September 10, 2015 at 12:01 am I believe something happened in Japan during the 1960s that caused them to raise their minimum level to 500. We also have had several people reporting increased energy levels. B12 is stored in the liver, and this is why you may get away with a low B12 diet for several years before you have problems. At the moment cynocobalamin is not available in Ethiopia for the last one year and I am taking a combination of vit B1, B6 and B12 ( Neurobion) shot on my own and doing fine clinically. Sorry, but people should know, it helps with my pooping. Iv started feeling a bit faint this week with dizziness and sometimes become breathless ( like im just not getting enough oxygen ) so have been signed off for a week. Reply Maureem says October 17, 2016 at 6:53 pm Stephen, I have not checked back on this site for quite awhile so just getting your question now. The B12 in animal products comes from the dirt those animals ate. You need adenosyl to fire up your mitochondria. On top of that, if your lithium is low, any b12 you take may not be available since lithium is thought to transport it. com. Or, can a low carb diet ruin your health. Assuming transcobalamin is adequate, if one still have low intracellular B12, what is the best way to increase it. Is it possible to find it out if there is damage. Pylori and so hopefully that will lead to improvements as well. (See Jinny April 11, 2013 at 7:56 am, amongst others) One of the real issues that may be of concern is why you became deficient in the first place, as this may determine whether oral supplementation will work of not. I, too, had high serum levels of B12 without supplements. I want to be sure I am prepared with the right questions for my appointment. If not, to get any of these tests you may have to stop taking B12 for a period of time which you may not want to do. Also, watch out for shortages of B12 at your pharmacies, as that has been a occurrence for me anyway. I came across a whole website when someone with experience in B12 deficiency said that those are signs. If you have anxiety as a chronic symptoms get the Jarrow liquid l-carnitine and do a microtitration starting at 100mcg. I think it might be due to so many comments attached to this particular page. Reply Greg says February 26, 2013 at 2:36 pm Hi Jasmine, the energy boost that most people have is really following VB12 shots. I am scared lot regarding my health as I need to do physical work for long hour even for my survival. ) Women, this is very important if you are of child bearing age and are thinking about getting pregnant. What you need to have in serum is vitamin B12 bound to transcobalamin II, which is the transport protein required to get vitamin B12 into the cells. I am now 40 and take B12 pills to this day. I do not know how to get the right treatment. My wife is done, she is so upset and depressed she is suicidal. There were troubles obtaining my old records so months passed. Then I was diagnosed with Celiac disease and eliminated Gluten. I am sure that there are others who may have other suggestions. Reply Greg says July 30, 2013 at 2:24 pm Hi Jessie, we do helpful, but probably not legal. Reply Hotspring says January 31, 2014 at 2:18 pm Can anyone weigh in on how or to what extent B12 deficiency is caused by or can be cured by eating fermented foods. anymore, so you know how sick I was. What about diet-do you eat high meat diets or have adequate fruits and veggies. There are also some writeups by doctors for doctors online. Methyl-B12 (methylcobalamin) and dibencozide (adenosylcobalamin) are the active forms. I have been on B-12 shots for 4 months, every other week. Recently I had DNA tests and was diagnosed with Hemochromatosis. Currently, I am very concerned that standard dosing regimens are insufficient to achieve acceptable outcomes for these patients, and patients are still not adequately informed about the many potential comorbid medical issues that may be ignored, and thus hampering recovery. Both zinc and iron are needed for energy, and calcium obviously for your bones. I must have been B12 deficient for years since after the months of injecting not only did my nerve conditions disappear but so did my life long problem with canker sores. my b12 levels came back as ( I have lots of energy and had no symptoms that everyone else in the comment section had. Please do yourself and possibly others a favor and watch that documentary. Nerve velocity measurements suggest that it will take at least one year, but if you are really, really bad it will possibly take longer. When I asked the doctor if it could be my low vitamin levels he said no and told me I just must be stressed. I was so ignorant and did not know that the tablets were not being absorbed through my small intestine. You can find the benefits of both of these here. Trouble with injections is that they give a huge amount of VB12, but the effect is only transient. I am pretty good at research and believe that the supplements I was taking prior to the 2 mentioned above, were pretty good. After I started taking my vitamins that I have listed elsewhere here, I did start having more resistance. In short, you definitely need BOTH the Ado and MeCbl forms. Learn More Nutrition for Healthy Skin Skin problems like acne, eczema, and rosacea are epidemic, yet conventional treatments rarely work. Other reasons your B12 level has dropped includes gut parasites and SIBO (small intestinal bacterial overgrowth) which can rob your body of B12. Reply Gerald Landry says November 14, 2016 at 4:13 am Paul, Thiamine deficiency can be responsible for Neuropathy. I keep the B12 in my mouth for 1-2 hours and that way it absorbs well. Reply Andre says July 21, 2014 at 3:23 pm Spirulina Pacifica is a source of Cobalamin. You will have to wait for that to come back on sale though. (This is why many doctors are not taking Medicare Patients any longer) Very scary. I agree about all the problems with the non-diagnosis and even non-treatment of those who are deficient. The endocrinologist who checked my results told me to take B12 shots and Vitamin D3 (60000 IU every week). Now you would have to eat a lot of methionine though. But only the shots were effective for me. teamasea. Thus, normal B12 is different in every country and is totally dependent upon diet. Serum B12 is the total of active B12 available to cells plus inactive B12. It may also be prescribed to those who have gastric surgery. If there is something wrong, there are a lot of things they can do. My weight has dropped, not to the optimal level but better than a year ago. Firstly they over-dose you incredibly, they when the serum levels are high the doctors walk away thinking that they have done their job. Reply Colleen says November 24, 2013 at 5:54 pm Just got on line to order some more B12 oil but the site is no longer operating due to issues with supply and payment. She said that my levels should be at least 300, and to take the b12 pills. I am able to do home injections because my naturopath (in Colorado) gets the B12 through a compounding pharmacy and I buy it from her, and then she taught me how to do them myself in my thigh (she gave me the first two injections). When you say healthy diet, what do you mean. I just got my B12 level checked 2 days ago and am waiting for the results. Being low you will probably have done considerable sub-clinical damage to your nerves (particularly in the brain) and you have to get your levels up to repair this damage. Reply Laura Burrow says April 25, 2016 at 6:57 pm Can you take too much B12. about 5 months ago I had the feeling like something was in my eye. On the other hand, too little B12 can cause heart disease, among other issues, some of which mimic MS (Multiple Sclerosis). Hydroxocobalamin is an inactive form of B12, but it may not benefit you as much as the active form. The good news is though that most people have at least a very small amount of B12 (they would be dead otherwise). Hay is put up for winter months when animals cannot graze in their pastures. FAD is an essential co-factor for MTHFR, so low levels of FAD leads to effectively MTHFR-like problems. That is why supplementing with a sublingual form of B12 is so important, regardless of ones diet. I thought that you might be interested in this study: Ikeda T,Yamamoto K,Takahashi K,Kaku Y,Uchiyama M,Sugiyama K,Yamada M. Cobalamin is produced in the gut of animals. I am going to take the OTC supplements and get my levels measured in 6 months to make sure that they are rising. Reply Greg says September 1, 2013 at 3:37 pm If you need a reference to convince your doctor, here are a couple of Pubmed references, which explain why your levels may be high and also explain why you need the other measurement. I actually started by taking FOUR 5,000mcg pills a day for, I think, about a year. In Europe, the danger level is below 500. B12 is therefore destroyed on the surface of grilled meat, but not in the interior. Hemoglobin took a bit longer but I was told that I had associated Iron deficiency Anemia. Would that be enough, or at least be better than nothing. In contrast, you cannot use methyl-folate in the folate cycle unless you first remove the methyl group to make tetrahydrofolate. My wife had to hold me by the belt to keep me going in a straight line. One answer you will not find though is why doctors keep failing to recognize, diagnose and treat VB12 deficiency. Past month I have been having sudden chest pain, shaking, dizziness and symptoms that mimic a panic attack or anxiety. Treatment usually consists of a series of high dose 1000 mcg injections. In the past I was diagnosed with pernicious anemia. we just had his b12 and folate tested and they were above normal. I also asked for the breath test to check for H pylori but he said there is no link to B12 deficiency. Magnesium may also help, I take it as well. I still have specificity, severe stiffness and bad gait. Is there a guideline to how long it should take to feel 100% again. Cabbage, sea salt, tomatoes, olive oil, home made nut milks, sardines, clams, beef liver, plain yogurt, 2% milk. To good health x Reply AnnF says October 16, 2014 at 10:34 pm Can anyone help me. If you are privy to such sources, how about being specific. Be sure to get a blood draw for methylmalonic acid (MMA), homocysteine (Hcy), intrinsic factor antibody, parietal antibody, folate, and ferritin tests BEFORE you start B12 treatment. I have attempted to add some more information on my web-site. Reply AnnF says April 21, 2015 at 10:50 pm Dawn, I just saw on Doctor Oz PCOS — poly cystic ovarian syndrome (I think syndrome). Do I have chance to regain at least 3 to 5 Kgs weight after taking B12 supplements. usually not always of course. They all feed back and forth on each other and symptoms can flip around paradoxically. Women are especially vulnerable to vitamin B deficiency. Reply Greg says July 2, 2013 at 11:46 pm Hi to all, Just thought you might be interested in a new study on vitamin B12 levels in mothers and babies following the birth of the new-born. Three years ago i was diagnosed with iron deficiency. Well as my levels was very good, I still had numbness and tingling and my gait is terrible. Any thoughts, experiences etc, will be greatly appreciated. If you are deficient in methylVB12, your apparent levels of folate may be artificially higher in serum, such that once you are given the VB12 shot, the folate is then taken up and used by cells, so that the serum folate levels drop significantly. Reply Deb says April 10, 2014 at 8:22 am I have problems keeping adequate B12. T3-T4. He mentioned that there is a nation wide shortage on B12 injections and said that the nasal spray may be the way to go depending on how the re-test comes back. They are OK if you have normal uptake to maintain levels but our calculations show that they are not enough to significantly raise your levels and certainly not enough to give you the energy boost. Reply Madge says November 11, 2014 at 3:28 pm Hi Frank, it sounds like the rheumatologist was part of your solution. Reply AnnF says August 5, 2014 at 1:24 pm Hi Marlene, Here are all the supplements that I take. I need help from anyone who experienced the same symtoms of mine. Reply Amanda says March 12, 2016 at 6:04 pm I notice from my recent testing that B12 is now being measured in total and ACTIVE form. I asked to have injections at least twice a month. It is stacked full of mitochondria and thus needs lots and lots of energy. I came close to a wheelchair and are now maybe 6 months away and holding becasue of nerve damage. I tried lower dose over the counter pills, but they upset my stomach also. In addition, whilst folate supplementation has reduced spina bifida and associated spinal development conditions by 30%, autism spectrum disorders have increased by over 8-fold since folate supplementation, and possibly this will get worse. Reply Morning Sun Yellow Pony says June 12, 2016 at 12:15 pm If you take the Magnesium L-Threonate, it is the most absorbable and does not affect the IBS at all. Reply Lorraine says March 22, 2013 at 7:07 pm Thank you for the information I will look into the information you have advised. There are MANY others if you do a simple search. (Again, these gut bacteria are not enough all by themselves to prevent deficiency in humans. Reply May says May 9, 2016 at 11:36 am I was diagnosed with paranoid delusion, depression ocd and was on antiphyscotic. I was given one B12 injection a week for 4 weeks in January then one a month since January. Reply Freddd says February 25, 2013 at 8:02 pm Hi Kristina, If you a good methylcobalamin 1,000mcg, Enzymatic Therapy B12 infusion is the best I know of, and take 1 every day for 45-120 minutes under your upper lip, you will do far better than injections of HyCbl every now and then, even better than daily injections. I would also avoid wheat products, and I believe you should avoid dairy, but you can still take pills for any nutritional loss. That scared me enough to run and get a B12 injection at the doctor since I no longer inject myself. I take Enzymatic Therapy B12 Infusion, Country Life Dibencozide (another form of B12), and Solgar Metafolin daily (folate is essential for the use of B12). I stopped eating them, and I was o. What is more they were perfectly fine with their genetics for all their life until they got sick. I am starting to get the symptoms again of low B-12 (migraines, foggy feeling, fatigue, etc). To the short answer is that thyroxin produced in the thyroid, is involved in the conversion of riboflavin (vitamin B2) to FAD. And I agree with other posters, it will take time. for my gastro, which is horrible, two hospt stays passing only blood, each stay dictating ten days. I am not a licensed medical health care provider. Good thing because I knew nothing about this. Studies have shown that kids raised until age 6 on a vegan diet are still B12 deficient even years after they start eating at least some animal products. Just like any of professional, they should be keeping up their continuing education on their own. Reply Tracy says July 19, 2015 at 5:03 pm Kristy, At 142 your B12 is low. For me, I have to take 15,000 mcg just to keep most of my symptoms at bay. Reply james says September 8, 2015 at 1:15 pm I have been vegan for 1 year and just had my blood tests done just to make sure i was getting enough nutrition as a vegan. Many studies in the literature appear to not take this slow turn over into consideration and finish too early. I take just effexor now and it seems to be controlling the pain. but what about the genetic mutation where the body does not convert B12. I went to my new doctor and told him I was b-12 deficient and would need to get shots again. She was also supplementing prior to the test with Re-New life Ultra Flora probiotics (25 billion cells) the week prior to the test. Before that I was an excellent student and I always loved studying and i am very ambitious. You are correct when you say that your unborn baby will be drawing on your nutrients and I am happy to read that you are supplementing. I also have all the symptoms of hypoglycimia but blood results of Hypergclycimia. When the liver is damaged it leaks a lot of b12 into serum. First i thought its related to Inner Ear and thats why i saw a ENT specialist, he told that it might be related to inner ear inflammation and asked me to wait and watch without prescribing any medicines. You might also want to take a B complex daily, one without folic acid. I take the B12 you can dissolve under your tongue (3 a day for 15,000 micrograms) but somebody here mentioned the B12 oils which are supposed to be better absorbed. Great to hear you got your results and are finding some improvements. I started taking 5mg per day, and later switched to a B-complex containing the methyl forms of both B12 and folate, and feel even better. Perhaps someone else can shed more light on this. ). Finally that day with a look of exasperation my doctor decided to see if I was deficient in anything. The product is available from Reply Julee Ellison says August 2, 2013 at 1:43 pm Greg, are you saying that the B12 Infusion (methyl cobalamin) a lot of us have been taking is not really any good. I was thinking about this a bit, and then it swigged to me that you are using cyanocobalmin in the Nascobal (I am pretty sure that that is right). I have been thinking my mother, age 90, who gets B12 shots once a month, should have them more often. Reply Ghadir says January 20, 2015 at 1:47 pm Hello. Well worth watching, you may end up even saving your own life, as I did mine. I think that this is one of the huge advantages of the trandermOil approach to vitamin B12 administration, there the material seeps through the skin over time, therefore allowing restocking. I am alway warm, when i sleep i am sweating that much that the blankets are damp. Reply Angela says October 3, 2016 at 10:23 pm Hi, my husband has the same as May described, but he has them every two weeks. When I finally get it and use it I will report on how it works. mainly folic acid and B12. Reply LISA says June 16, 2015 at 11:15 am I HAVE BEEN TAKING B12 SHOTS FOR 5 MONTHS. If your intestine is normal then sub-lingual (which sounds so much harder and less pleasant than topical) has the effect of slow release of material, which helps in uptake and gets more VB12 onto haptocorrin, although it is only the same as chewing your food as far as saliva goes. Following up further in the literature you also find in animals (as in humans) those that are deficient have poor differentiation in the gut, and have compromised immune systems leading to an inability to maintain the barrier function in the intestine with resultant gastro-intestinal tract problems. I am seeing my doctor Nov. Reply Dianna says June 18, 2015 at 9:40 am I went to the doctor complaining of dizziness, memory loss, stumbling, depression, numb feet and hands, and many of the other symptoms mentioned here. Learn More B12 Deficiency What do memory loss, depression, anxiety, fatigue, nerve pain, and infertility have in common. Someone online mentions that they are made from bacteria, and that the only reason animals have this in their gut is because they eat the plants that have the bacteria on them. My B12 was 130 and folate was 1030 my problem is I am walking around like a drunk and this has got worse today. I am a member of the Pernicious Anemia facebook group so you could find me there. Further it competes for uptake into the cells making the situation worse. I would try taking the OTC VB12 supplements as an additional supplement and make sure you monitor your VB12 levels. It really bothered me, and awhile later I saw a nutritionist who recommended intracellular micronutrient testing. Reply Donna says December 26, 2014 at 5:34 pm I have Hashimotos Thyroiditis and severe Graves eye disease. Reply mj says June 9, 2015 at 2:51 pm How long after start b12 5000 mcg did you start feeling better. Thank you Reply AnnF says September 15, 2015 at 10:05 am Hi Lisa, My sons had Molloscum, and it took a very long time to go away. Reply Aleatha says January 14, 2014 at 8:51 pm How is your daughter. It is going to take a very long time, particularly if the pool has a leak in it (ie the VB12 is being continuously used). He had cerebral arteritis last year and was on prednisone for the entire year. Before abandoning the spray, have your B12 levels tested. I have since recently started B12 injections and a strong dose of folic acid. In my experience, providers are definitely not attending to quality of life indicators in order to measure the effectiveness of disease management. I am now taking a spray under the tongue once per day. I hate being on Medicare because they call the shots what is allowed and what is not. Reply Marpy says November 3, 2016 at 8:05 am thanks for the info. I have also exhibited B12 deficiency symptoms, ie. If unable to get shots you should try megadosing with 5,000 mcg SUBLINGUAL tablets. Weight Energy Digestion Brain Overall Health All of the Above I hate spam too. com. I had heart palpitations and shortness of breath. Measured VB12 deficiency is an early warning sign, which should be headed, but generally is not. Also you need to check what shots you are getting. I told him to do the calprotectin stool tests and he did agree to that. I brought in the studies about B12 and Bells palsy and he scoffed and refused to give me B12. Embarrassingly collapsing to the ground hoping no one witnessed the sudden fall. Reply Greg says June 25, 2015 at 9:08 pm Hi Ally, You seem to be mixing up two cycles, the folate cycle and the methylation cycle. As Lynn has also eluded to it is important to get the levels in the CNS up again and several studies have shown that this does not happen with either high dose oral or with sprays or sublinguals, or if it does it is very, very slow, which may explain why it took Freddd so long. Rule of thumb is, you are on them for life. I would complain to the doctor but they never checked my B12. The range used by most doctors is far too low. If you only get your B12 levels tested be aware that the US lower limit of normal is for clinical deficiency, such as you would expect if you were anemic. Also you need your vitamin D levels to be above 100. Reply kath A says October 30, 2015 at 12:15 pm Hi, i have just had my blood tested by a locum doctor who has said i have symptoms of vit b12 deficiency. I think a physician that can take a holistic view of his health is advisable. available on Amazon. You can have high levels of HC if you have any sort of infection or have psoriasis, RA, or other inflammatory conditions. Whether or not you continue with B12 shots you can buy methylB12 tablets to use sublingually every day, that way you are getting the B12 you need daily, not just once a week or once a month. I have unknowingly become more tired, weak and worn out over the last few years. After years of weird symptoms and no resolve I went into the doctor and spilled the beans about every weird seemingly unconnected symptom I had. Evidence now suggests that it is lack of function of CBS that leads to Hcy accumulation. Reply Nicole says December 8, 2013 at 8:08 pm I am 22 and I am very afraid of this. Reply Ally says June 24, 2015 at 8:04 pm Collen- were you able to fix this. At the time, they put it down to the fact that she was pregnant. This is particularly common in people with RA, of whom over 50% are VB12 deficient. I avoid folic acid which is not well converted or absorbed, and may block real folate from reaching the cells. There is also an increasing amount of evidence that suggests that in chronic inflammation there is continual synthesis of nitric oxide, which reacts with vitamin B12 making NO-VB12, which also is not active, but would show up as B12 in the serum (once again this would show up in the active B12 test). If you are hypothyroidic all of this can be a problem. The advantage with the rub-on lotion is that once the material has penetrated into the skin it persists for hours and hours and allows your body to start loading up on the vitamin B12. The Sunshine, Rainfall, Grassland Cycle is a renewable resource which has proven to be sustainable for centuries. Good Luck, and Be Well. Some people have trouble converting them to active forms. When I first started self treating, I started at 60 tablets a day which matches two shots a week-loading doses are necessary to start out. Have also started noticing decline in effectiveness of weekly injections with more severe symptoms. I could accept this if it were easy to simply get a second opinion however I live in a remote community and there is no other doctor. I want to be a good parent and give my child whatever is necessary, however I am afraid of consequences like these in the longterm. Went back to doctor and wanted me to see a neurologist. Reply AnnF says October 15, 2014 at 6:23 am Laurie, Thanks for the info. Reply heidi says August 9, 2013 at 10:59 am Hi Rachael I also have hypothyroidism and have been B12 deficiency. I sincerely hope you have gotten treatment by now as you are definitely deficient. If homocysteine is high you need methyl, if MMA is high you need adenosylcobalamin. Thank you. Reply Tanya says January 24, 2015 at 1:24 am Do you see a Endocrinologist. Reply Finndian says June 13, 2013 at 10:02 am Joe, if you risk dying of B12 deficiency ultimately, why are you taking only 1500 mcg cyancobalamin. Been to doctor a few times and they tested me but all came back normal and they kept telling me to take antidressants as they thought it was all symptoms of depression. Yeast, however, can be allergenic for people with mold sensitivities. Since you are a vegetarian, you should take B12 methylcobalamin 1000mcg tablet under your tongue every day. It is a major undertaking to change this across the US in all medical organizations, change happens slowly in medicine. The problem is mucus ( sorry, gross I know) that goops up my whole respiratory system and even traps food on the way down. Or maybe the bladder, I think I was looking up Interstitial Cystitis because I had been looking at marshmallow root tea on Amazon, and a lot of people used it that had IC. Things that make the neuropathy worse are smoking, vegan diet, diabetes, and elevated homocysteine and MMA levels (also signs of B12 deficiency. And possibly bromides as well, since they are also in some vaccines and in our food now, too. There were several issues that I should not go into. I ask, is it really that unlikely and what can I do. I feel sorry for anyone who allows themselves to become fearful based on this mis-information. So, not matter how much B12 I take, I can never absorb enough to survive. Studies in most animals are very similar, the main difference is the absolute amount that is taken up by the IF-mediated uptake system. Terrified me as I have not experienced this sensation before. I have been tested various times over the 20 years, and there is no variation from when I was a massive meat and dairy eater. Regarding B12, the Swedes have found that oral methylcobalamin can be used even in people that have absorption problems because some will be absorbed through diffusion in your gut. There does seem to be a wide variation in symptoms vs. Fats are more important to your diet than modern medicine would like to admit. You can find out more on this at the web-site, and if you have further questions you will find an email contact there. I will try to update the vitaminb12deficiency. Shortly after taking ciproflaxin for the UTI I started getting back pain that would start in lower back and then move to shoulder blades, neck. I told him my history and he did a blood exam. Elevated MMA leads to gradual demylination of your neurones, whilst elevated Hcy leads to lots of cardiovascular events, so it is quite important that you keep them low all the time. Reply Greg says February 20, 2014 at 6:17 pm I agree with Lynn. Tingling feet means tight shoes to most doctors. Does anyone else feel very warm and sometimes hot from taking the b12 vitamins. When my level of B-12 went up, I was able to correct the nerve that controlled the eye and get ride of the double vision. My forgetfullness and lack of mental clarity is frightening me and I sometimes feel like I am going mad. Just as it takes up to 5 years for the vegans to become deficient, it may take at least this long to fully recharge the system, IF you continuously keep up a constant supply of excess VB12. Someone said his wife suffered from this, and was helped by apple cider vinegar. In essence instead of making compost tea for your garden you are making a highly utilizable mineral brew for your body, these bacteria will become house cleaners in the body. 1 Daily Sundown Naturals inulin Fiber Prebiotic. Two years later a doctor did bloodwork on me and found out I had a severe B12 deficiency. To me, this really points to a problem with my processing folic acid into its active form, so it accumulates in the blood, unused. Reply AnnF says June 12, 2014 at 12:01 pm Jacquie, If you already know you have B12 deficiency, why are you going for a B12 test. After I took the vitamin b complex for a week, I felt like my old self again with now pains and was able to run around. Reply AnnF says December 11, 2015 at 10:56 am Hi Ganesh, First, are you male or female. It slowly releases saturating amounts of VB12 over hours and hours, thereby hopefully allowing for full saturation of TCII and uptake into the cells and transport into the CSF. Reply Madge says December 30, 2013 at 3:34 pm Hi Val, Whilst there is no harm in taking excess VB12 particularly if you tolerate the injections, I personally believe that for people who are deficient the spray and the patch are a waste of money as they deliver so little material. Thanks Reply Christine Thole says July 13, 2014 at 7:12 am Please help. I never tested my serum B12 before I started injections so have no idea what it was then, but now things are much better overall. This is the inactive form of the vitamin. Topically administered material in b12oils would be longer due to the depot effect of the skin. I had my first injection yesterday evening and i am hoping my symptoms would go in the near future. The sublinguals use citric acid because acid is needed for absorption of the B12. A couple of comments, depending upon your conditions you will need both adenosyl and methyl cobalamin. M-B12, and probably also dibencozide, degrades to hydroxocobalamin on exposure to light. Reply Toma says April 5, 2013 at 7:22 am The study in the article is from 2003, and so I had a look for a more recent one. These findings, together with the absence of other causes of vitamin B12 deficiency, suggest that giardiasis should be considered as a cause of vitamin B12 deficiency Let the group know how you go. Chronic inflammation such as in rheumatoid arthritis eventually leads to B12 deficiency, which can explain the symptoms. Bending my neck sent electric shocks thru my body. If you have been taking PPIs or H2 blockers, they deplete B12 because they suppress the stomach acid that is part of the system used by your body to extract B12 from your food. A multimineral is a good idea so you get all the little things like copper. If I end up staying on B12 supplements I would sure like to use the sublingual ones going forward. I know my levels have been borderline before, and I drink mineral water with potassium in it, which seems to help overall too. You are right about absorption, in that many cases of deficiency also come from taking ant-acids, metformin use, or having gastritis, bowel resections, bacterial overgrowth, H. The topical route will provide longer release with time, whilst the injectable route will give you a higher peak, but drop off very rapidly. Reply AnnF says June 12, 2015 at 8:31 am Hi Kristy, Unfortunately, a lot of doctors are ignorant about B12. Vitamin B12 is present in liver, organ meat, muscle meat, shellfish, eggs, cheese, fish, and can be manufactured in the body only by gut bacteria. In this time you have to make sure that you still keep taking both the methyl and adenosyl forms of vitamin B12. Most meds I have been unable to tolerate as the PA has made my body hypersensitive. Sleep disorder and IBS also giving me problem. VB2 deficiency will give you similar symptoms as too will hypothyroidism, so you probably need to check that out as well. However, I have managed to become severely deficient in B12. I was started on b12 shots, 2 per week first month, then 1 a week for a month and then one per month since. I take methylcobalmin lozenges and Methy B-12 shots, But if I can improve on that I would like too Reply Molly says September 19, 2016 at 7:58 am I use Dibencozide, by Source Naturals. It is possible to replete your CNS B12, and sometimes seemingly permanent nerve damage can be reversed. My level for b12 is 161 which apparentlyis to low. He told me I would have to give myself injections everyday for a week, then once a week for a month and then once a month after that. com Reply Madge says April 29, 2014 at 6:31 pm hi Stephen, Thank you for letting us know. I was taking tons of methyl b12. They sell the syringes or you can get them online. You will of course need vitamin B12 via a non oral route, such as injection or transdermal oils. I am negative, negative and againg for everything. Appointment is five days away and everyday it seems symptoms are a little worse. He did cut back on the shots from once a week to twice a week for 2 months and then monthly. Reply C. Did you Want to gain a little weight back, or are you afraid of gaining some weight back. Since I have had the cyanocabalimin stop working I have had most of my symptoms return over a period of several months (as I have been getting the methyl and trying it) and I can hardly drag myself out of bed again like it used to be. Reply Cheryl says April 15, 2016 at 5:17 am Yes. This is sort of the theory behind the extra high dose oral supplementation idea. Regards, Leilani Reply Catherine says September 1, 2013 at 2:52 pm St. I will definitely check out the Phoenix Rising CFS forum. Reply Bartybear says October 31, 2014 at 2:26 pm A friend of mine had an episode where she lost her sight for some time then returned. Doctor suggested to take me B12 supplementation which will make you observe the food what you take daily. The doctor making this recommendation is addressing hormonal issues of note, as I am hypothyroid and my hormones are out of balance so I am taking bioidentical progesterone, estrogen, cortisol and thyroid to address these issues. My PCP then decided I needed an antidepressant, Lexapro. Reply Gregory says April 4, 2013 at 1:58 pm Hi Julie, Your symptoms of forgetfulness, lack of mental clarity, tiredness, pins and needles, twitchy legs (restless leg syndrome) and generally feeling under the weather certainly sound like VB12 deficiency. Japanese studies indicate that methylcobalamin is even more effective in treating the neurological sequelae of B12 deficiency, and that it may be better absorbed because it bypasses several potential problems in the B12 absorption cycle. This follows another study by the same group, in which they showed a big drop in Cbl levels in the mother during pregnancy. They started me on immediate injections and told me I would have to take them the rest of my life. Thanks. Are there any particular posts here that might be more helpful than others for me. I just wonder if it is doing anything for me. ) My doctors once again only give me a shot 1x per month. I have a friend who is a district health nurse, and her department gets all the people newly diagnosed with B12 depletion. Reply Research Chemist 1313 says June 23, 2016 at 5:04 pm The vitamin B12 is water soluble. Two things I realized when I had trouble falling asleep or falling into a deep sleep: even though I felt warm enough, once I put on an extra blanket, I fell right to sleep, and, if I had a collar on my pajamas, I was a lot more likely to have trouble sleeping than if I had no collar. Reply Menak says December 14, 2015 at 1:26 pm I am experiencing the same problem as V. Anyway, I had many symptoms of b12 deficiency fatigue, dizziness, anxiety. So for a 1 mg dose you get around 10 ug across the gut wall. I feel if it is left to the heath professionals I could end up disabled. They are NOT folate, they are folate analogues or derivatives. I hope you draw some positiveness from this video where a Dr. When I returned I went straight to my GP at home, explained the previous situation and asked for more blood tests and a B12 check. Thus you cannot use 5MTHF if you are severely B12 deficient. I put the same response in to another person, but will attach it here as well for you. I really thought I was going to be paralyzed and never walk again. They can all be caused by B12 deficiency. I was and still am very fatigued, but not may other symptoms. ) for my acute gastritis. Looks like he might have known about anemia and low iron, but not that low VB12 can cause the same thing. The difference is that the cheap stuff is watered down. You should have been tested when you were diagnosed with a B12 deficiency, especially since it is known to run in your family. You will also find a tid bit on Glutathione which is the Mother of all Antioxidants and will help the results on B vitamin injections. Any implementation or change in diet, exercise, supplementation, herbs, medications, medical care is done so at your sole risk and responsibility. Miller says September 24, 2013 at 8:24 pm Yeah, it was a patch test and it burned the skin to a scab in 2 days. ONE Cod Liver Oil pill or 1 TEASPOON Cod Liver Oil in the bottle a day. I asked how often and was told 1x per month. i dont have wheat allergy. But taking supplemental B12 and possibly a folate like Metafolin or L-5-MTHF (not folic acid) will help you rule out if a lack of it is the culprit. 4 mcg DAILY. Stomach ache can be a symprtom of an induce deficiency of potassium. He started me with 1000 micrograms of B-12 Methylcobalamin right away. They are two medical professionals who recognized this is a huge problem and are making it their mission to educate doctors and the public about B12 deficiency. If I take the methylcobalamine sublingual, would it be sufficient to take the Folic Acid and B6 orally as long as I take them concurrently. You just have to go to the majority of the relevant web-sites that totally avoid the problem or suggesting the solution. Take a b12 supplement, exercise, hydrate, carb up on some whole plant foods Reply Gerald Landry says November 22, 2016 at 5:56 pm Ava, before refrigeration dairy cheeses, yogurts, kefir etc could be stored for long periods. Sublingual B12 can be comparable to shots and much less expensive. Just curious what people are doing going forward with that part. As a physician, I could easily access medical literature on the subject, and soon became frustrated and demoralized by medical care providers who were not as well informed and were not amenable to my bringing them up to speed. I know methylcobalamin treats the neurological symptoms and occurs naturally in the body. Taking a methylfolate brand can help you retain more of the b12. But, then general fatigue and other symptoms began to surface. I have no idea who can help me but there must be someone in the Salt Lake City area. That was happening to me lately which was worrisome as i was exposed to Neurotoxins. Now there is something to get worked up about. Otherwise, you could check out the sites that deal with the causes of vitamin B12 deficiency and see if you fall within any of the categories. I binged on a lot of chocolate everyday since last summer and as my numbness got worse my habit got worse as well and i read Homocysteine levels can raise that way. Reply Judy says August 25, 2015 at 7:50 am Hi Tracy, Amen to that. Many people need 20-30 tablets a day when healing has an intense startup. The constant fatigue, the memory loss, losing the words I want to speak out has also made me feel dumb and very emotional. We are going through such circles for two years. thanks a lot. Reply Keziah says September 16, 2015 at 9:02 pm Hi there, just wanted to correct you on something. Miller says September 26, 2013 at 11:48 am Drew: do you ever experience jaundice coloration. Reply GW says January 7, 2015 at 8:00 am Hey, glad that you are feeling better now. But you also have to be careful as vit c at a certain strength will counter the B12. There are a million micrograms in a milileter. Occupational health wanted 6 weekly blood tests to keep an eye on my levels and see if working near entonox affects my levels but the GP has refused to do it (despite agreeing at first). You can just do the little skin test with it. Are these all symptoms of potassium deficiency or am I experiencing some healing. Second, the low end of the laboratory reference range is too low. Thus folic acid is the unionized form of unmethylated folate. Kenneth Brown RHR: How To Tell If You Have A Leaky Gut RHR: Why You Need to Eat More Vegetables—and How To Do It, with Dr. About a year and a half ago I started to notice pain in my feet after not being on them very long at all. I also take TWO Phillips Magnesium pills a day TWO VitaFusion Platinum gummies a day FOUR VitaFusion D3 a day (I was practically negative) ONE Nature Made Super B-Complex every so often. As far as cancer is concerned, information is conflicting. I take a methylfolate supplement along with the B12. Also, I wrap the vial in foil, except for the seal, and never expose it to light. b 12 level 128. I would really appreciate some advice, I am usually a very active and sporty year 40 year old woman, and over the last 6 months have steadily dropped all the activities I love through lack of energy and exhaustion. None of us make perfect decisions during our entire lives. I am worried I would pay big bucks for them and they would not work. It is important to know your ferritin level as when you start getting B12 injections your body will kick into gear making new blood cells and ferritin is needed for that, you may need to take an iron supplement. Mind you, if you look at all the possible neuronal problems of being deficient in VB12, I for one would also be taking VB12 for life (and for neurones). Reply Keith says July 17, 2016 at 12:39 am I am a type 2 diabetic who has just been diagnosed with a B12 deficiency. She is only 19 so this is a very worrying time for everyone, we have been told there is no guarantee the sight will return to normal Reply Helene says October 26, 2014 at 7:07 am It may help to find a doctor who works with genetic methylation and the MTHFR genes to see if they can help your daughter with the B12 problem. However, I would wait for a few more months to see if your body slowly but surely heals itself. Not very helpful for the average user though. Reply Madge says May 8, 2014 at 11:54 pm Lynn, You are absolutely right about the confusion with units. I agree, most drs. I have since had to quit work as my performance and ability to deliver were affected. I lost 15 lbs. The only problem I have is the nausea, but I definitely will look further into it. Reply drew says September 25, 2013 at 8:53 pm I have been experiencing weight loss, fatigure, numbness and sharp pain on the bottom of my feet at few times daily, low appetite. Reply Amber says March 14, 2013 at 4:44 pm Melinmo, Someone else pointed out that along with potassium, you need to watch out for magnesium. It gets even more complicated when one looks at what the effect of increased vitamin B6 has on homocysteine removal, or the effect that thyroxin and vitamin B2 have on the folate cycle. I had increased muscle strength and endurance and all my symptoms vanished. If they still keep dropping you might have to try to work out why, or take the transdermal VB12. There are many studies showing that you can better resist diabetes and can lower your blood pressure if you have higher vitamin D. A urinary MMA (uMMA) test is best if you can get one. Or you can also just purchase methyl B12 caplets, and if you are deficient, you may want about 5mg per day for a while to get your B12 stores topped up. I was just thinking, with the cold knees, you might be deficient in iron as well. Chicken has VB12 in it, but you would have to eat 2 kg (4 lbs) per day to get adequate. I am having severe bowel problems and have organised to get this checked out within a month. If a woman knows she has mthfr, she is much better off supplementing with a prenatal that contains methylfolate. Reply Felicia says February 28, 2013 at 6:23 pm Thanks for the info, and for sharing your results when you find out. I am very suspicious of all these GERD pills they hand out like candy now. After taking sublingual mB12 for years, I felt a real boost when I added subl adenoB12, and even more when I started the transdermoil. A bit like trying to fill a swimming pool with a thimble. Also, do not disregard professional medical advice or delay seeking advice or treatment based upon information gained above. Also noticed range of motion in my hands was decreasing and some loss of sensation in fingers which at the time I attributed to age related arthritis and long standing carpal tunnel. How long should it take before I stop losing so much hair. If you reach your mark and stop taking them, two things can happen, your levels will stay the same, as far as you know between doctor visits, and of course, it depends on what your doctor considers the right level, or, your levels can go down. My Naturopath was amazed I could still function normally with the levels I had. Basically the path labs average out their data and then define normal as what falls within 90% of the values that they assess, with low being the lowest 5%. However, in reading your post this sounds exactly like what my daughter-in-law was going through and it was diagnosed as Celiac disease. Reply Sleepypuss says January 4, 2016 at 10:48 am My podiatrist tested my feet when I visited for a routine check on my plantar fasciitis. Reply Rudy says December 22, 2014 at 12:53 am Part II Yadab. i can see how for some people lactose would be an issue. Subclinical vitamin B12 and its consequences is incredibly poorly understood. My level was 41, by the time drs. I totally agree, and I had no idea about a warning label of any length, let alone 43pgs. I think my calcium is low ad could my b12 be also. In some instances the same symptoms might have different combinations of nutrients. I have a retest coming up and will be waiting to see that verified. They told me to go back to my regular physician. If the cells are impaired, high Carbohydrate intake can metabolize to lactic acid (anaerobic glycolosis) further complicating pain issues. With levels as low as yours, yes all of your symptoms can be from B12 deficiency. Please DO NOT handle treating your B12 deficiency all on your own, you need to be under the care of your doctor and have it in your medical records. I was affected by B12-deficiency when i was a teenager. There is a transdermal delivery system that has recently been developed with a product that delivers both Adenosyl and methylcobalamin. Reply Jenn says March 6, 2016 at 4:45 pm Hm, I have to agree with you here. Find out what really causes skin problems, and how simple dietary changes can